How do I dynamically update hoursAvailable based when the date is changed in the dropdown

How do I dynamically update hoursAvailable based when the date is changed in the dropdown

rodegardrodegard Posts: 13Questions: 2Answers: 0

I am trying to figure out how to update the hoursAvailable when the user selects a date from the dateTime picker within an editor. If it is the current date I only want to allow hours up to current hour but if it is a previous date I want to allow all hours. but when I look at the following URL (hoursAvailable) it only shows the following example which isn't helpful within the editor:

$(document).ready(function () {
    new DateTime(document.getElementById('test'), {
        hoursAvailable: [8, 9, 10]

I can't find any example for setting it like I would for maxDate in the dependent method like this:

            function(val, data, callback, e) {

How can I dynamically update hoursAvailable option on a dateTime field in and editor when the date is changed?



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