submit all edits at once with button
submit all edits at once with button

So I'm building an inventory system. One of the components is a popup window with an editor table that allows the user to select items to add to their lists.
currently when a user adds a quantity of an item line I'm having Editor send a request to the server (and send back the same data) so that the quantity field updates. Obviously, that's VERY slow when you are trying to add lots of items to a list.
What's the best/fastest way to handle this? is there a way to have a field value be changed and then when the user is done they hit a button and send all the changed lines to the backend? should I be using the multi editing api? i kinda got stuck at figuring out how to have a field updated without having to send it to the server first.
update 2...
I'm slowly solving my own issue. seems to always happen after I go asking for help... lol
I added " drawType: 'none' " to the inline editor part and it seems to be handling it better.
is there any downside to doing this?
well, my first update got deleted some how? that was weird... here's my editor/table setup for this. if I comment out the Ajax portion it will update locally. it was still VERY slow to update with over 5000 rows in the table but I fixed that in my second update. now on to submitting all the edited rows with a button press.
Have you seen this blog post about queuing changes in Editor and then batch submitting them using the multi-row editing interface? That sounds more or less like what you are looking for.