Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables
Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables
Posts: 136Questions: 18Answers: 0
Does anyone know how to reduce the width of the control column?
If the empty blue part was gone the green would be almost half size.
I tried a few css tricks with width and margin, but no luck yet.
Actually, I probably need to upgrade everything. It's been a while, and I see all your demos now have a triangle instead of the green + / red -
Someday soon I should get to that.
If you could link to the page I might be able to say what is happening - it looks like you might have a
in the content? Can you remove that (if there is one there) and it will then collapse down like in the examples.Allan
I think the old (+) style just has extra width.
I initialize all tables with code like this (no extra - character):
You can use width in columns:
var table = $('#yourtable').DataTable( {. . . "select": { style: 'os', selector: 'td:not(:first-child)'}, "columns": [ { className: 'details-control', orderable: false, data: null, defaultContent: '', width: '5%' }, //... "columnDefs": [ {"targets": 0,"className": "text-center", "searchable": false,"width": "1%" },