Updating grids' data when combo box value changes...
Updating grids' data when combo box value changes...

I am new at JavaScript programming. Today, someone told me about DataTables. I decided to try to use it in my test web page.
My page has a combo box. Underneath the combo box, there are two tabs. Each tab holds a grid which is populated with data from a MySQL query. My goal is to filter the grids' data based on the current combo box value.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Initialize tabs
// Fetch data when the page loads and when the combo box value changes
// When the combo box value changes, reload the data
$('#comboBox').change(function () {
function fetchData(selectedValue) {
// Show loading indicator (optional)
$('#grid1 tbody').html('<tr><td colspan="5">Loading...</td></tr>');
$('#grid2 tbody').html('<tr><td colspan="5">Loading...</td></tr>');
// Use AJAX to fetch the data for both grids based on the selected value
url: 'getData.php',
method: 'GET',
data: { selected_id: selectedValue },
dataType: 'json',
success: function (response) {
console.log(response); // Log the response to check the data
// Fill grid 1
let grid1Html = '';
if (response.grid1 && response.grid1.length > 0) {
response.grid1.forEach(function (item) {
const itemNameLink = `<a href="${item['Link']}" target="_blank">${item.RoseName}</a>`;
grid1Html += `<tr><td>${itemNameLink}</td><td>${item.RoseType}</td><td>${item.RoseColor}</td><td>${item.RoseYear}</td><td>${item.RoseHybridizer}</td></tr>`;
} else {
grid1Html = '<tr><td colspan="5">No data available</td></tr>';
$('#grid1 tbody').html(grid1Html); // Update the grid1 tbody with the HTML
// Fill grid 2
let grid2Html = '';
if (response.grid2 && response.grid2.length > 0) {
response.grid2.forEach(function (item) {
const itemNameLink = `<a href="${item['Link']}" target="_blank">${item.RoseName}</a>`;
grid2Html += `<tr><td>${itemNameLink}</td><td>${item.RoseType}</td><td>${item.RoseColor}</td><td>${item.RoseYear}</td><td>${item.RoseHybridizer}</td></tr>`;
} else {
grid2Html = '<tr><td colspan="5">No data available</td></tr>';
$('#grid2 tbody').html(grid2Html); // Update the grid2 tbody with the HTML
// Destroy existing DataTable instance for grid1 and grid2 before reinitializing
if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#grid1')) {
if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('#grid2')) {
// Ensure table content is rendered before initializing DataTable
setTimeout(function () {
// Initialize DataTable for grid1 if it has rows
if ($('#grid1 tbody tr').length > 0) {
paging: true, // Enable pagination
searching: true, // Enable searching
order: [], // Disable initial ordering
pageLength: 10, // Set the number of rows per page (adjust as needed)
lengthChange: false, // Disable the option to change the number of rows per page
info: true, // Optionally, disable the information text (e.g., "Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries")
dom: 'lrtip' // Remove the length drop-down (l), search box (f), and other elements as needed
// Initialize DataTable for grid2 if it has rows
if ($('#grid2 tbody tr').length > 0) {
paging: true, // Enable pagination
searching: true, // Enable searching
order: [], // Disable initial ordering
pageLength: 10, // Set the number of rows per page (adjust as needed)
lengthChange: false, // Disable the option to change the number of rows per page
info: true, // Optionally, disable the information text (e.g., "Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries")
dom: 'lrtip' // Remove the length drop-down (l), search box (f), and other elements as needed
}, 100); // Add a slight delay to ensure the content is fully rendered before initializing DataTable
error: function () {
$('#grid1 tbody').html('<tr><td colspan="5">Error loading data</td></tr>');
$('#grid2 tbody').html('<tr><td colspan="5">Error loading data</td></tr>');
// Custom column filters
$('#filterRoseName1').on('keyup', function () {
$('#filterRoseType1').on('keyup', function () {
$('#filterRoseColor1').on('keyup', function () {
$('#filterRoseName2').on('keyup', function () {
$('#filterRoseType2').on('keyup', function () {
$('#filterRoseColor2').on('keyup', function () {
My issue is that destroying existing DataTable instance for grid1 and grid2 before reinitializing wipes out the data. My grids have nothing to display. How do I fix this issue?
I'm guessing the reason the tables are cleared is due to using
here:Try removing
to keep the table data.Probably a better option is to move this code before you populate the table. Maybe something like this:
This way Datatbles is destroying a the tables before any changes are made to them.
Thanks Kevin. Combined, both of your suggestions solved my issue.