Actually you can't at the moment - there isn't an option to disable the built in multi-column sorting option. What you could do is unbind the sort listeners DataTables adds and then bind you own with fnSort - that would work well, although obviously you would need to have a little extra code to do it.
Why can't you have multi-column sorting with server-side processing?
There are a number of server-side scripts here which might be of some interest: . The majority of them offer multi-column sorting, so you might be able to take some ideas from them.
Should you want a quick fix, you could just comment out the shift sort in DataTables core: . A more complete solution would be to attach your own fnSort listener. I'll look at making this optional in future!
Why can't you have multi-column sorting with server-side processing?
However, others cross multiple models/tables, and have nasty, dynamic SQL statements. It is all doable of course, but time simply won't allow.
Should you want a quick fix, you could just comment out the shift sort in DataTables core: . A more complete solution would be to attach your own fnSort listener. I'll look at making this optional in future!