I can never get anything to work - FixedHeader starts going down as soon as you start scrolling
I can never get anything to work - FixedHeader starts going down as soon as you start scrolling

Please see example here: http://jsfiddle.net/mersenneprimes/3tsu9/10/
Isn't it supposed to start scrolling once the window reaches the top of thead?
I am a beginner and css/jquery and everything I have tried using DataTables so far simply does not work. The demo examples have external code.
Isn't it supposed to start scrolling once the window reaches the top of thead?
I am a beginner and css/jquery and everything I have tried using DataTables so far simply does not work. The demo examples have external code.
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the problem is that the _fnUpdatePositions event isnt triggered, probally because of the frames/splitters it isnt found automaticly. With my project the duplicate header is placed somewhere outside the form.
so this isnt triggered at all :
/* Event listeners for window movement */
FixedHeader.afnScroll.push( function () {
instead i bound it manually to the right div/table etc in the initialization of fixedheaders.js.
$('#idnameofdiv').scroll(function () {
However, I do have a working version on my current project, So I'd say you might have a bug somewhere.
A few days I noticed a "bug" where the plugin jEditable Wrapper, would cause a visual bug, I don't think FixHeader was expecting it what I did, it was caused with the option bottom:true.
But I'm not sure it's really a bug on the plug-in end or just something we have to deal with, what happened was, the footer moved on top of the input of jEditable a bit, due (I think) me having a css styling with a specific height that increased the row's height on edit, FixedHeader didn't account for the height being increased.