problem with controlling column width

problem with controlling column width

beginner_beginner_ Posts: 55Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited March 2012 in General
I have a table with a lot of textual data. I use sScrollX. I have set sWidth property for all columns, summed them up and set sScrollX to that width. However all these setting are ignored. With firebug I can see that the actual width is over 3500px while especially 2 columns, that are mostly empty! (null in database) are a lot wider than specified. Even setting them to a very low width like 50px has no effect.

Another issue is that the last few columns headers are miss-aligend probably due to the usage of sScrollY.

Even worse is that IE8 column width are completely different than the ones in FireFox (in an even worse way). Sadly IE8 is target browser.

The lack of control leads to a bad display in both browsers. But I would also like to use Scroller. That doesn't work because rowHeight is unpredictable. Performance in IE8 is bad, near crashing and Table only has about 2000 rows. (I now, its IEs fault).

Can this be solved?


I upgraded to version 1.9.0 because of the issues in 1.8.2 but they are the same in 1.9.0


It is a lot better in 1.9.0 but not perfect. Had caching issues once again.


  • beginner_beginner_ Posts: 55Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Played around further and in 1.9.0 it is somewhat controllable. I added

    "fnCreatedRow": function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) {

    $(nRow).css('height', '90px');

    to control row height for scroller.

    However as soon as I add Scroller,

    "sDom": "frtiS",

    column widht (and hence row height) gets messed up again, columns are all too small as if sScrollX is not applied correctly.
  • beginner_beginner_ Posts: 55Questions: 2Answers: 0
    for column width and scroller to work properly,

    [code]"bAutoWidth": true[/code]

    must be set.
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