Go to newly added row
Go to newly added row

I'm inserting new rows using:
fnAddData( {
"DT_RowId": "myId",
"0": "str1",
"1": "str2",
"2": "str3",
} );
I'm showing 10 entries at a time. Sometimes the new row won't fall within the range I'm currently viewing.
Is there a way to detect which "page" the new row is in, so I can use fnPageChange to advance to that page right after the new row is inserted?
fnAddData( {
"DT_RowId": "myId",
"0": "str1",
"1": "str2",
"2": "str3",
} );
I'm showing 10 entries at a time. Sometimes the new row won't fall within the range I'm currently viewing.
Is there a way to detect which "page" the new row is in, so I can use fnPageChange to advance to that page right after the new row is inserted?
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