fnOnNewRowPosted() method to access the retuned id of the added row
fnOnNewRowPosted() method to access the retuned id of the added row

hello Allan,
i want to know how can i access the id of the added row so that i can add a class to it and highlight it...
in your forum i read about fnOnNewRowPosted() method but i am relatively new to datatables so can you send me some sample code as how to implement it.
i want to know how can i access the id of the added row so that i can add a class to it and highlight it...
in your forum i read about fnOnNewRowPosted() method but i am relatively new to datatables so can you send me some sample code as how to implement it.
This discussion has been closed.
i have changed the question may be now you might help me achieve what i want.
in the end it turned out to be very simple of what i asked of you as the fnOnNewRowPosted() function takes in the parameter send after addition of row , so i was able to get the id on the client side and by using fnDrawCallback () function able to highlight the row based on its id...