Two DataTables with the exact same settings are displaying differently

Two DataTables with the exact same settings are displaying differently

theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

I have the following two tables declared:

"aoColumns" : [
{ sWidth: '10%' },
{ sWidth: '30%' },
{ sWidth: '25%' },
{ sWidth: '20%' },
{ sWidth: '10%' },
{ sWidth: '5%', sClass: "alignCenter" }
"columnDefs": [
targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
sortable: true
targets: [5],
sortable: false
"paginate": true,
"stateSave": true,
"pageLength": 10,
"lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
"data": that.hospitals,
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search table for: ",
"sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
"dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'


"aoColumns" : [
{ sWidth: '10%' },
{ sWidth: '30%' },
{ sWidth: '25%' },
{ sWidth: '20%' },
{ sWidth: '10%' },
{ sWidth: '5%', sClass: "alignCenter" }
"columnDefs": [
targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
sortable: true
targets: [5],
sortable: false
"paginate": true,
"stateSave": true,
"pageLength": 10,
"lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
"data": that.practices,
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search table for: ",
"sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
"dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'


The tables, despite the column width declarations being identical, are displaying differently. The data loaded into them do not contain any strings that are so large that they change the width. Any ideas as to why this might be happening? The HTML is also identical.


  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    Found my own solution. Statesave : true is persisting the old layout.

  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    Scratch that, it's still not working the way it's supposed to.

  • jr42.gordonjr42.gordon Posts: 305Questions: 2Answers: 49
    edited April 2016

    Can you please provide a working example of your code and data.

    Also, try combining aoColumns and columnDefs into a single aoColumns/columnDefs. Duplicate configurations can cause issues and these two ultimately do the same functionality.

  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited May 2016

    Thanks for responding. I just tried writing all of my declarations in columnDefs, and it didn't change anything.
    Here is an example of the edited code, per your suggestion:

                "columnDefs": [
                        targets: [0],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '10%'
                        targets: [1],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '30%'
                        targets: [2],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '25%'
                        targets: [3],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '20%'
                        targets: [4],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '10%'
                        targets: [5],
                        sortable: false,
                        width: '5%',
                        sClass: "alignCenter"
                "paginate": true,
                "stateSave": false,
                "pageLength": 10,
                "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                "data": that.hospitals,
                "oLanguage": {
                    "sSearch": "Search table for: ",
                    "sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
                 "dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'   
                "columnDefs": [
                        targets: [0],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '10%'
                        targets: [1],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '30%'
                        targets: [2],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '25%'
                        targets: [3],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '20%'
                        targets: [4],
                        sortable: true,
                        width: '10%'
                        targets: [5],
                        sortable: false,
                        width: '5%',
                        sClass: "alignCenter"
                "paginate": true,
                "stateSave": false,
                "pageLength": 10,
                "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                "data": that.practices,
                "oLanguage": {
                    "sSearch": "Search table for: ",
                    "sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
                 "dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'

    Here's what it was before:

                "aoColumns" : [   
                    { sWidth: '10%' },
                    { sWidth: '30%' },  
                    { sWidth: '25%' },  
                    { sWidth: '20%' },    
                    { sWidth: '10%' },
                    { sWidth: '5%', sClass: "alignCenter" }    
                "columnDefs": [
                        targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
                        sortable: true
                        targets: [5],
                        sortable: false
                "paginate": true,
                "stateSave": false,
                "pageLength": 10,
                "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                "data": that.hospitals,
                "oLanguage": {
                    "sSearch": "Search table for: ",
                    "sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
                 "dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'
                "aoColumns" : [   
                    { sWidth: '10%' },
                    { sWidth: '30%' },  
                    { sWidth: '25%' },  
                    { sWidth: '20%' },    
                    { sWidth: '10%' },
                    { sWidth: '5%', sClass: "alignCenter" }    
                "columnDefs": [
                        targets: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
                        sortable: true
                        targets: [5],
                        sortable: false
                "paginate": true,
                "stateSave": false,
                "pageLength": 10,
                "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                "data": that.practices,
                "oLanguage": {
                    "sSearch": "Search table for: ",
                    "sEmptyTable": "We coudn't find anything based on your search!"
                 "dom": '<"top"if><"bottom"rtlp>'

    Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    We'd really need a link to a page showing the issue since there are a number of things on the page and in the CSS that could effect this. For example if the table is hidden when created.


  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I can't link it, because it's on a password secured server hosted by my company. It is indeed hidden though, it's inside a Bootstrap collapse panel.

  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I've done some experimenting, and it seems that when I start the page with the panels closed, the table width assignments are ignored, but if I open the panel then change the page size with the inspector, the column widths snap to what I have defined. I guess the column widths are having a difficult time because the width of the parent panel is hidden since the panel is closed. Is there a way to assign the width by measuring the parent panel header width, since that's always visible on the page?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    This example shows how to adjust the column widths once a tab is made visible.


  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    This doesn't seem to work for me. I switched the code to apply to a watch on, which is indeed getting triggered, but the tables are now acting more erratic and the discrepancies in the column widths are now more exaggerated. :/

  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    If I open one panel, it looks way off from the assigned column widths. Then if I open the second one, the first one changes and looks correct, but the second one looks off. then if I close and reopen the second panel, then it snaps to its defined widths and looks fine.

  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0
    edited May 2016

    I tried this first:

    $('#collapse_9, #collapse_10, #collapse_0').on('', function (e) {
    $.fn.dataTable.tables( {visible: true, api: true} ).columns.adjust();

    Then tried this:

    $('#collapse_9').on('', function (e) {
    $('#collapse_10').on('', function (e) {

        $('#collapse_0').on('', function (e) {

    Neither of these achieves the desired effect. For the record, I am running this within an Aurelia application.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    I'm afraid I would need a link to the page or a test case of JSFiddle, CodePen, etc, to be able to debug and help resolve the issue.


  • jr42.gordonjr42.gordon Posts: 305Questions: 2Answers: 49

    Make sure the following styling isn't being overwritten

    table.dataTable, table.dataTable th, table.dataTable td {
        -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
        -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
        box-sizing: content-box;
  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    I solved it! I set autoWidth to false and they stopped acting up. Maybe when the table detects the state change of the panel opening, it was trying to resize the columns?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    Actually, one of the issues with DataTables at the moment is that it doesn't know when the document changes around it. It shouldn't be doing anything about the panel opening since it doesn't know anything about your panel. The columns.adjust() method can be called when the table is made visible to resize the table.


  • theodikustheodikus Posts: 25Questions: 10Answers: 0

    The columns.adjust() didn't do anything to resize or even out the layout of any of my tables, I tried using it when the panels opened.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    I'd need a link to the page showing the issue to be able to offer any help.


This discussion has been closed.